Our Vision

A Dignified Future

Strategic Priorities by
Target Population

The initiatives for the vulnerable populations are anchored on the below priority areas:

Job Creation and Entrepreneurship

We focus on ensuring that these target populations have equal access to the resources and skills to support dignified income generation.

Health and Wellbeing

Our work is focused on ensuring that we provide a platform for vulnerable communities to be the best of themselves.

Advocacy and Outreach Through Sports

We are working to uplift vulnerable populations through access to safe, inclusive and developmental sports opportunities.

Mobility and Access to Healthcare

Our priority is also to ensure that all individuals in vulnerable communities are receiving the health services they need sustainably.

Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation

We engage and empower vulnerable populations by proactively addressing the causes of mental health; alcohol and substance abuse.

Advocacy and Outreach

We are engaged with communities to build public support for policy reform to empower and dignify the Boy Child, Widows, Orphans and People with Disabilities.

Skills Development and Capacity Building

We are supporting the design and delivery of skills development programs including those appropriate for People with Disabilities.

Chaplaincy, Outreach and Family Values

We provide mentorship, spiritual nourishment, care and love for the Boychild, People with Disabilities, Widows and orphans.

A Dignified Future Strategy Snapshot

ADF Strategy Snapshot
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